Monday, December 28, 2009

The Christmas mass was held on Christmas Eve at 9pm, the mass was celebrated by
Fr. Malcolm Rodrigues S.J. The mass began with a procession to the manger with the children, at the manger the image of the baby Jesus was placed inside and the manger blessed by Fr. Malcolm vested in gold.

During his homily, Fr.Malcolm asked the congregation to remember and pray for the people of Palestine, the birthplace of Jesus, who now live in a virtual prison.
The meditation after communion was done by the steel pan group who played a medley of carols.

Procession to the Manger

Fr. Malcolm speaks to the children

Blessing the Manger

Solemn Mass of Christmas

The 4th Sunday in Advent

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The 4th Sunday in Advent
The 4th Sunday of Advent was celebrated with a Sunday Service in the Absence of a Priest and was conducted by the Parish Service Team. The Service began with the lighting of the last Advent candle by the Braam family.

The Gospel reflection was given by Mrs Margaret Eastman, who focused on the husbands of  Mary and Elizabeth and their supporting roles in the miraculous pregnancies of their spouses. She said that the circumstances of their pregnancies was food for scandal - Mary unmarried - Elizabeth- menopausal, but regardless their spouses treated them with respect and love  and supported them. She said that men in Guyana, should take them as examples especially as there is an upsurge in domestic violence and female suicide.

Service Team with children for the Lord's Prayer

Service Team

Brasilian Catholics in Guyana celebrate Christmas

The Brasilian Catholic Community in Georgetown came together at Our Lady of Fatima church on Sunday 20th December 2009 to celebrate Christmas. The celebration took the form of the Portuguese language Celebração da Palavra – Celebration of the Word and was conducted by Bro Epifanio Barbosa S.J. The Gospel was read in Portuguese by Fr. Robert Barrow S.J.

During the service, the gathering was invited to adore before the image of the O Menino Jesus and were each given a plaque with the picture of a sculpture representing the Blessed Trinity originally made by a German nun.
After the service the gathering was invited over to the parish hall where they partook in light snacks and exchanged Christmas greetings. The occasion also served as a farewell for Bro Epifanio, who started this Guyana-Brasil Apostolate and will return to Brasil early in January.

O Menino Jesus

Part of the Gathering

Fr. Robert Barrow proclaims the Gospel

Bro Epifanio Barbosa S.J

Christmas snacks and wishes


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Last Sunday we celebrated the 3rd Sunday of Advent. The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Stephen Patterson S.J. During the mass we welcomed our newest member, little Roy who was baptised.

Fr Stephen baptizes Roy

Choir singing meditation hymn

After the Mass the Sunday School children got together for their Christmas Party. They were treated to snacks contributed by parents and parishoners.

Christmas Party
The Youth and Catechetical Teachers hosted the Annual Parish Concert. Here are a few pictures

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Patroness of the Americas
12th December

On 9 December 1531, Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego at Tepeyac, which is near Mexico City today. She sent him to request of Bishop Zumárraga the building of a shrine there, where she promised to pour out her grace upon those who invoked her. The bishop asked Juan Diego to present proof of the apparition. On 12 December, Our Lady sent Juan Diego to gather roses. Despite the cold of winter, he found roses in bloom and gathered them within his cloak, or tilma. Our Lady arranged the roses and sent them with Juan Diego to the bishop as proof. Opening his tilma, the roses fell to the ground and there remained impressed upon the tilma the image of Our Lady, the apparition at Tepeyac.

The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe depicts Mary with native features. Gold stars cover her blue mantle and the black girdle about her waist signifies pregnancy. The moon is beneath her feet and one of the angels supports her.

God of power and mercy,
who blessed the Americas at Tepeyac
with the presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe;
grant, we beseech you, through her intercession,
that we may accept one another in Christ
and through the outpouring of your justice into our hearts ,
come to rejoice in the gift of your peace.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.


Our Lady of Guadalupe
Pray for us


Monday, December 7, 2009

The Mass of the 2nd Sunday of Advent was celebrated by Bishop Francis Alleyne OSB here at Our Lady of Fatima. Soon after the greeting, Bp Francis read the prayer for the lighting of the Advent wreath candle as the candle was lighted.

The Bishop in his homily likened the call of John the Baptist, a lone voice in the wilderness to the few voices raised in concern over the destruction of the environment. He said that as the call of John the Baptist to repentance and renewal continues to be relevant and should be heard by all he hoped that the world leaders and decision makers gathering in Copenhagen this week for the Climate Change Summit will hear and heed the call of the of those who advocate changes so as to protect our planet. He said that if living conditions were not good in ones country, one could sometimes migrate to another country, but this is not so with our planet, we can’t migrate to another planet.


Two advent candles lit

Bp. Francis Alleyne O.S.B.

Bishop greets parishoners

Choir at practice



    DATE                         CELEBRANT                                 PREACHER
Wed Dec  9th        Fr.Xavier Rajan S.J                   Fr.Xavier Rajan S.J
Thu Dec  10th        Fr.Keith Hardless                      Fr.Keith Hardless
Fri Dec   11th        Fr.Stephen Patterson S.J           Fr.Stephen Patterson S.J
Sat Dec  12th        Parish Service Team                 Mr.Andrew Kerry
Sun Dec 13th         Fr.Stephen Patterson S.J           Fr.Stephen Patterson S.J
Mon Dec 14th        Fr.Keith Hardless                      Mr.Kent Vincent
Tue Dec 15th        Parish Service Team                 Ms.Loraine Robeiro
Wed Dec 16th       Fr.Keith Hardless                      Fr.Keith Hardless
Thu Dec 17th        Fr.Xavier Rajan S.J                   Mr.Rock Beharry

*Novena Masses begin at 5:30am each morning, except on Sunday when it will be the 8:30am Mass
*Scripture will be the Readings of the Day


                      ADVENT NOVENAS 2009

        DATE                                           LECTORS

     Wed Dec 9th                                     Paul Braam

     Thu Dec 10th                                    Abigail McDonald

      Fri Dec 11th                                     Paul Braam

      Sat Dec 12th                                   Timothy Millington

      Sun Dec 13th                                  Timothy Millington, Jenelle Fu Sum,
                                                             Abigail McDonald

       Mon Dec 14th                                Aidan Smith

       Tue Dec 15th                                 Divina Abraham

       Wed Dec 16th                               Abigail McDonald

       Thu Dec 17th                                 Paul Braam



    DATE                                   MINISTER                      MINISTER

Wed – Dec 9th                       Patricia Clark                 Christopher Chaves

Thu- Dec 10th                       Jacqueline Nurse             Eileen Browne

Fri – Dec 11th                       Margaret Eastman            Patricia Clark

Sat – Dec 12th                      Jacqueline Nurse             Christopher Chaves

Sun – Dec 13th                     See Dec Rota                  See Dec Rota

Mon – Dec 14th                   Eileen Browne                  Margaret Eastman

Tue – Dec 15th                   Christopher Chaves           Patricia Clark

Wed – Dec 16th                 Jacqueline Nurse               Eileen Browne

Thu – Dec 17th                  Patricia Clark                    Christopher Chaves


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

“we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our saviour, Jesus Christ”

Advent is perhaps the least focused season of the liturgical year, even though the liturgical year begins with the Advent season. Least focused on because we are engulfed by the mighty material Christmas cloud. We awoke on Sunday Nov 1st to the sounds of Christmas music on the radio, we were still in Ordinary Time. The radio, the television, the newspapers churn out all the bargains available, stores try to outdo each other to get those precious dollars. We get all excited, it’s Christmas not Advent The once a week message of spiritual preparation we hear of at Sunday Mass is drowned out by the seven day a week message of material preparation.

New curtains, a coat of paint on the kitchen wall, cover over the 3 piece suite because we can’t afford a new one and buy a new microwave at the same time. Shall I buy the ham from Geddes Grant or DIDCO, I think I deserve a turkey, I’ll walk the city to get the best ingredients for the black cake. If I buy the pepperpot meat now, will GPL give me power to keep the fridge running?


Is bare Stress

Preparation. Anticipation.

But what is Advent, what is its relevance to us as catholics?

Advent is a time for looking both backward and forward. We look backward as we prepare to celebrate the historical birth of Jesus at Christmas. Before he came into the world, the people longed for the Messiah who would restore a battered people to their former glory. We too identify with that ancient longing for restoration and wholeness as we look forward to Jesus’ coming into our lives and also his second coming.

As Christians we recognize in Advent a time of preparation and anticipation – spiritual preparation and anticipation. Our celebration of the the past is indicative of what we anticipate will come again. When we open ourselves to God’s grace and love we open our selves to his birth each day in our lives. It first starts with our opening ourselves. It first starts with us un-cluttering ourselves, shedding the baggage and recognizing Him each day as we prepare for Him.

Don’t get stressed out. Our preparation, our anticipation, our waiting is one of JOY.

Let’s take the cue from the prayer we hear each Sunday “wait in joyful hope for the coming of our saviour, Jesus Christ”

Let us wait as we listen to the prophecies of Jeremiah, Baruch, Zephaniah, Micah and John the Baptist. Let us marvel in the pregnancies of Mary and Elizabeth, each as joyous as it is miraculous. Let us go to our Advent novenas with the faith and knowledge that we “wait in joyful hope for the coming of our saviour, Jesus Christ”

The Mass for the 1st Sunday of Advent was celebrated by Vicar General, Fr. John Persaud. Just after the greeting the traditional blessing and lighting of the 1st candle of the Advent wreath was done.

1st Candle of the Advent wreath lighted

Fr John in his homily exhorted the congregation not to become caught up in the material preparations for Christmas, that will cause spiritual neglect, but to strike a balance between the two forms of preparations.

Right after the homily, the catechecial teachers renewed their commitment to the catechetical ministry in the parish.

Catechists renew their commitment

The congregation was invited by Fr.John  to extend their hands over the catechists as he read the prayer of blessing.

Fr. John blesses catechists

Fr. John with servers after the Mass

The Bovell Family
After Mass, FrJohn offically commissioned the Parish Pastoral Council and the Pastoral Development Committee. These bodies will be responsible for pastoral and administrative
matters in the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council only meets in the presence of a priest from the Georgetown Pastoral Area Priest Team, these meetings will be quarter yearly. The Pastoral Development Committee, will meet every month. These bodies are made up of members representing Ministries, Groups & Committees within our parish community.

 Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

No longer will the congregration have visions of the heavens when in church, that's because, the replacementof the new church roof is now completed, all that's left to be done is the installation of the gutters and downpipes.
Hopefully next year we'll be able to replace the electricals and paint the entire church.

New Roof

Feast of Christ the King/Cristo Rei

Monday, November 23, 2009

The liturgical year came to an end at Our Lady of Fatima Church with the 8:30 am mass celebrated by Fr. Xavier Rajan S.J. On this Feast the altar servers renew their commitment to the ministry of altar server.

Servers renewing their commitment

Recessional Procession

Fr. Xavier Rajan S.J

Altar Servers pose around the altar

A game of table tennis


The Brasilian Catholic community in Georgetown also gathered Sunday evening to celebrate the Feast of Cristo Rei with a portuguese language Celebração da Palavra - Celebration of the Word. The service was conducted by Brasilian Bro. Epifanio Barbosa S.J accompanied with lively brasilian hymns. At the penitential rite, the assembly was given sheets of blank paper and were instructed by Bro Epi to tear and fold, they were then asked to open the paper only to discover they had in fact created a cross.

The gathering numbered just under 50 person, much more than the last service 2 week ago.
Celebração da Palavra - Celebration of the Word follows very closely the Sunday Service in the Absence of a Priest currently used in this diocese

Part of the gathering

Oração dos Fiéis - Prayers of the Faithful

Bro. Epifanio Barbosa S.J.

Brasilian Catholics and Guyanese friends


Monday, November 16, 2009

On Sunday 15th November 2009, the parish of Our Lady of Fatima celebrated our traditional Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday. The celebration took the form of Morning Prayer with Holy Communion and was conducted by three Lay Ministers.

After the Service, the offerings, comprising of Fruits, vegetables, ground provision and manufactured foods, were parceled out and given to he poor families in the parish.

The Psalms were read by three young people



The Gospel reflection was given by Mrs, Margaret Eastman, who reminded the congregation that even though the gospel and the 1st Reading presented an imagery of doom and gloom, they were a source of hope and comfort for the early believers and should be a the same for us today. This hope and comfort should be demonstrated by our recognition of all the blessings that God has bestowed on each of us personally and and on our parish community collectively.
Margaret giving reflection

Little Shannua led the presentation of the gifts procession, she presented a folder with pictures drawn by the younger children of the Sunday School, the pictures depicted the various things they were thankful for. the older children brought up produce of the earth and foodstuff.

After the presentation of gifts, the assembly was invited to join in the blessing by extending their hands over the gifts which was laid before the altar.


Children join hands with Lay Ministers at the lord's Prayer

Congregation join hands around the church at the Lord's Prayer

After the Service, prayers and best wishes were offered to Abigail McDonald who leaves later this week to represent Guyana at the World Scrabble Championship to be held in Malaysia next week. Abigail is a lector here at Fatima. We wish her all success.

Abigail - Our Champ