Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Parishioners of Our Lady of Fatima Parish joined those of Sacred Heart Parish to participate in a Stewardship conference last Sunday at the Marian Academy. The diocese is promoting stewardship in the parishes, the promotion began last year with a meeting of the Diocesan Stewardship Council and representatives of the various ministries sensitizing them on stewardship.
The stewardship conference is the second phase in the process. Over 100 persons from Fatima attended, ages ranging from 10 to 75 (?), some involved in ministry and others just regular church goers. The conference took the form of presentations given by members of the Stewardship Council and then the gathering breaking into smaller groups to consider questions based on the particular presentation. This was punctuated by short snack breaks and of course a longer lunch break. After the lunch break, there were three more presentation on the main aspects of stewardship – the 3 Ts – Time, Talent and Treasure. A very motivating talk was given by Fr.Stephen Patterson S.J, who advised the gathering not to see stewardship as an imposed obligation, but as part of our Christian responsibility. The final season was one of open participation, where all were asked to say what they dreamed to see in their parish. The responses were open and sincere, varying from the mode of dress in church to the rebuilding of the Sacred Heart church. The conference ended with Holy mass celebrated by Fr Stephen Patterson
Stewardship Conference - Fatima and Sacred Heart parishoners
Fr.Patterson celebrates mass
At mass
Sign of Peace
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